Pachira Money Tree
we are all familiar with the “Money Plant is lucky for home” myth. However, the Pachira money tree is a plant commonly used in Feng Shui and is believed to bring good luck and attract wealth.
Native to Central and South America, legend has it that a poor farmer from Taiwan prayed for wealth and found this plant. Taking it as a good omen, he sold them to make money and become rich. Money trees are often braided together and in order for the luck to come in, one needs to have three to five braided plants. It is advised to steer clear of the number four. In addition to this, the leaves must have five or more fingers to be lucky.
Light: Find a bright spot for your money tree, out of direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. It thrives under fluorescent light, making this small tree an ideal office plant.
Water: Water thoroughly, until water comes out the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, then allow the soil top 2-4cm dry out between waterings. Avoid getting water on the trunk, which causes stem rot. average once a month water.
Humidity: Moderate to high. Try to keep the relative humidity at 50% or higher.
Temperature: Average room temperatures 60-75°F/16-24°C;
Soil: Use a peat moss-based potting mix with perlite or sand added for good drainage.
Fertilizer: Feed every 4-6 weeks in spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer.