Money Plant
How often have you asked people “Which plant is lucky for home?” and pat came the reply – Money Plant. Well, according to Feng Shui, the money plant, apart from bringing good luck and money also harmonises the human existence with the surroundings.
Known to have deep roots and vibrant growth, this plant oozes positive energy. The money plant has smooth and round-edged leaves that are clustered which according to Feng Shui is a great sign of luck.
Money Plant Care:
Sunlight: Natural indirect or artificial bright light.
Watering: Moderately but apply approx. 50 ml water, when you find topsoil in the pot dry on touch.
Soil: Soil must be well-drained and fertile with rich organic content.
Temperature: 15 to 30 degree Celsius.
Fertilizer: Use organic fertilizer once a month.
Money Plant Special features & Uses:
Excellent air-purifier and could easily grow as indoor or outdoor plants. Due such features of durability, they could even be grown in a bottle of water or as a decorated indoor or outdoor plant.